She Rises in Freedom: Shamanic Healing for the Feminine Soul
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Product information "She Rises in Freedom: Shamanic Healing for the Feminine Soul"
What are the particular wounds experienced by the feminine soul in our world today? And how do they impact our bodies, our hearts, our spirits? Who might we be without these wounds, and the stories they tell us? What might it feel like to experience liberation from them, and to live with freedom in our bodies? What might it feel like to live with the freedom to align our bodies with our hearts and minds?
In the old wonder stories and ancient myths of collective humanity, we can find answers to these crucial questions. We can journey through a wonder story, a myth, and find ourselves illuminated. Then we can journey into the mythic realm of the Earth Spirits to experience the healing and liberation that we have been longing for.
In this immersive and transformative day-long workshop, we will explore the myth of Medusa and the tale of the Armless Maiden from shamanic and Jungian perspectives, and then we will travel through embodied writing, guided visualisations and shamanic journeys to gently hold old wounds and bravely invite Spirit to bring in the medicine for their healing.
Participants can expect to:
>Learn about the shamanic perspective on healing
>Learn about the Jungian perspective on healing
>Listen to myths and fairy tales about the transformation of feminine spiritual, psychological and physical wounds
>Listen to the stories their own bodies wish to tell
>Draw and write their stories down
>Share what is in their hearts
>Experience guided embodied visualisation to clear and balance their chakras
>Go on shamanic journeys to bring in a healing response for the wounding they experienced
>Be witnessed in a safe and sacred container
We will have two three-hour sessions, with an hour's break in between. Check out the preparation tips for what to bring for our time together.